Google Camera NX modified app

Google Camera NX modified app

Mod by Charles_L:
Camera NX (Google Camera mod) V5.1.016
Min: Android 8.0 (Oreo, API 26), chipset snapdragon 4xx and up
LINK : Camera NX (Google Camera mod)

Camera NX (Google Camera mod) V5.1.011
Min: Android 7.1 (Nougat MR1, API 25), chipset snapdragon 4xx and up
There are 2 Variant:
LINK1 : Camera NX (Google Camera mod) Version:
LINK2 : Camera NX (Google Camera mod) Version:

Mod by Arnova8G2

Note :
be careful when installing APK from this application because not all smartphone can run it. If you get an error message like "There Was a Problem Parsing the Package" then it could be your smartphone is not compatible.

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